There are several ways of getting involved with BREAC's activities:
A. Equipment Donation
BREAC is currently developing a number of community-based science laboratories across South Western Nigerian for training of science teachers and students from disadvantaged schools. Donation of used but functioning laboratory equipments and apparatus, lab-ware etc will significantly help BREAC's vision of promoting effective science teaching and learning in these areas. Equipment urgently needed include but not limited to the following:
- Water bath, weighing balance, vortex mixers, stirrer, laboratory glasswares, bunsen burners,
- Thermocyclers (PCR), electrophoretic tanks and power packs, centrifuges, incubators, Ultra low freezers, biosafety cabinets, HPLC, spectrophotometer, plate readers
- Used computer hardwares and other office equipments
- Apparatus for teaching of basic technology, and many more.
B. Science Book Donation
BREAC strategy for improvement of science education in disadvantaged and rural schools also includes establishment of community-based libraries. Donations of textbooks across all science discipline will be helpful in achieving this goal.
C. Science Education Sponsorship
BREAC welcomes the support of individuals who wish to sponsor students from rural and disadvantage backgrounds to study science at secondary and up to University level in Nigeria.
D. Research Sponsorship
BREAC welcomes financial supports to assist students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are currently conducting a research project at recognized institutions within Nigeria.
E. Event Sponsorship
BREAC welcomes supports in terms of sponsorship of its engagement events and public awareness programmes.
F. Become a partner
BREAC is currently recruiting partners who will be committed to sponsoring its activities. See "Become a Partner" for further details.
To support BREAC in any way, please contact:
The Executive Officer
Nigeria: +2347039068056
UK: +447576232187