Research Publications
Ojo OO, Srinivasan DS, Owolabi BO, Flatt PR and Abdel-Wahab YHA (2015).Beneficial effects of tigerinin-1R on glucose homeostasis and beta cell function in mice with diet-induced obesity-diabetes. Biochimie 109: 18-26
Ojo OO, Srinivasan DS, Owolabi BO, Flatt PR and Abdel-Wahab YHA (2015). Magainin-AM2 improves glucose homeostasis, and beta cell function in high fat fed mice. BBA General Subjects, 1850:80-87.
Hannan JMA, Ojo OO, Ali L, Rokeya B, Khaleque J, Akhter M, Flatt PR, Abdel-Wahab YHA (2015). Actions underlying antidiabetic effects of Ocimum sanctum leaf extracts in animal models of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 5(1):1-12
Thomson HAJ, Ojo OO, Flatt PR, Abdel-Wahab YHA (2014). Antidiabetic actions of aqueous bark extract of Swertia chirayita on insulin secretion, cellular glucose uptake and protein glycation. Journal of Integrative and Experimental Medicine, 4:1-5
Ojo OO(2014). In vitro insulinotropic actions of various extracts ofMoringaoleiferaleaves. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology, 27:14-20
Thomson HAJ, Ojo OO, Flatt PR and Abdel-Wahab YHA (2014). Aqueous bark extracts of Terminaliaarjuna stimulates insulin release, enhances insulin action and inhibits starch digestion and protein glycation in vitro. Austin Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes, 1:1-6.
Fatumo SA, Adoga MP, Ojo OO, Oluwagbemi O, Adeoye TA, Ewejobi I, Adebiyi M, Adebiyi E, Clement B, Oyekanmi, N (2014). Computational Biology and Bioinformatics in Nigeria. PLOS Computational Biology, 10 (4):E1003516 (1-7).
Srinivasan D, Ojo OO, Abdel-Wahab YH, Flatt PR, Guilhaudis L, Conlon JM. (2014). Insulin-releasing and cytotoxic properties of the frog skin peptide, tigerinin-1R: A structure-activity study.Peptides14: 43-46.
Owolabi BO, Ojo OO, Flatt PR and Abdel-Wahab YHA (2014). [Lys5]-substitution enhanced the insulinotropic effects of hymenochrin-1B isolated from the skin secretion of Hymenochirus boettgeri. Irish Journal of Medical Science183(9):S449-S450
Abdel-Wahab YHA, Ojo OO, Owolabi BO, Conlon JM and Flatt PR (2014). [Lys-4]-substitution of the frog skin peptide, caerulein precursor fragment-AM1 (CPF-AM1), enhances its insulin-releasing properties in vitro. Diabetic Medicine31(1), P74.
Ojo OO, Abdel-Wahab YHA, Flatt PR and Conlon JM. (2013). Insulinotropic actions of the frog skin host-defense peptide alyteserin-2a: a structure-activity study. Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 82 (2): 196-204.
Ojo OO, Conlon JM, Flatt PR & Abdel-Wahab YHA. (2013). Frog skin peptides (tigerinin-1R, magainin-AM1, AM2, CPF-AM1 and PGla-AM1) stimulate secretion of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) by GLUTag cells. Biochemistry Biophysics Research Communications, 431(1): 14-18
Ojo OO, Flatt PR, Abdel-Wahab YHA and Conlon JM (2013). Insulin-Releasing Peptides. In: Kastin AJ (Ed), Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides (2nd Edition). Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 364-370. ISBN 978-0-12-385095-9
Ojo OO (2013). Introduction to Bioinformatics. In: Ogbonna JC, Ubi BE, Eweani IB (Eds), Fundamental, Industrial and Medical Biotechnology. A publication of Biotechnology Society of Nigeria, Beijing: Universal Academic Services, pp78 – 118. ISBN 978-978-993-166-6
Jide-Ojo CC, Gungula DT and Ojo OO (2013). Extracts of JatrophacurcasL. exhibit significant insecticidal and grain protectant effects against maize weevil, SitophilusZeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research, 4(3): 44 -50.
Ojo OO, Conlon JM,Flatt PR, Abdel-Wahab YHA. (2012). Caerulein precursor fragment-AM1 (CPF-AM1): A novel non-toxic insulin-releasing peptide isolated from the skin secretions of the clawed frog, Xenopusamieti .Endocr. Rev. 33(03): MON 109
Ojo OO, Conlon JM, Flatt PR, Abdel-Wahab YHA (2012). Evaluation of the in vitro and in vivo insulinotropic and glucose-lowering effects of Caerulein Precursor Fragment (CPF-AM1) isolated from the skin secretion of the clawed frog, Xenopusamieti. 2nd Irish Peptide Workshop, p. 35
Srinivasan DS, Ojo OO, Flatt PR, Conlon JM, Abdel-Wahab YHA (2012). [Lys-3] substitution of peptide Alyteserin-2a from skin secretions of the midwife toad Alytes obstetricians enhances insulin-releasing activity in vitro. 2nd Irish Peptide Workshop, p. 40
Ojo OO, Abdel-Wahab YHA, Flatt PR, Mechkarska M and Conlon JM (2011). Tigerinin-1R: a potent, non-toxic insulin-releasing peptide isolated from the skin of the Asian frog, Hoplobatrachusrugulosus. Diabetes,Obesity and Metabolism, 13(12):1114-1122
Zahid OK, Mechkarska M, Ojo OO, Abdel-Wahab YHA, Flatt PR, Meetani MA, and Conlon JM (2011). Caerulein- and xenopsin-related peptides with insulin-releasing activities from skin secretions of the clawed frogs, Xenopus borealis and Xenopusamieti (Pipidae). General and comparative endocrinology. 172(2): 314-320
Jide-Ojo CC and Ojo OO (2011). Evaluation of the biological effects of leaf extracts of Jatrophacurcas against SitophilusZeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Electronic journal of environmental, agricultural and food chemistry. 10(5): 2166 – 2172
Mechkarska M, Ojo OO, Meetani MA, Coquet L, Jouenne T, Abdel-Wahab YHA, Flatt PR, King JD and Conlon JM (2011). Peptidomic analysis of skin secretions from the bullfrog Lithobatescatesbeianus (Ranidae) identifies multiple peptides with potent insulin-releasing activity. Peptides, 32(2): 203 – 208
Abdel-Wahab YHA,Ojo OO, Flatt PR, Conlon JM (2011). Tigerinin-1R from the skin secretions of Vietnamese Frog Hoplobatrachusrugulosus, exerts potent insulinotropic effects both in vitro and in vivo. Diabetologia 54: S193
Ojo OO, Conlon JM, Flatt PR, Abdel-Wahab YHA (2011). Insulinotropic effects of caerulin precursor fragment (CPF-AM1) isolated from the skin secretion of the clawed frog, Xenopusamieti. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 180: Supplement 13: S481
Ojo OO and Omabe M (2010). Incorporating bioinformatics into biological science education in Nigeria: Prospects and challenges. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 11: 784 – 787
Ojo OO, Flatt PR, Conlon JM, Abdel-Wahab, YHA (2010). Isolation and structural characterization of novel insulinotropic peptides from skin secretions of Xenopus amieti. Regulatory Peptides, 164 (1, Sp. Iss. SI). pp. 36-37
Tella IO, Ojo OO, Omijeh JE and Eronmosele, JE (2008). Control of streptozotocin-induced hyperglycaemia in rats using PsidiumGuajava extracts. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology. 13: 32 – 38
Omijeh JE, Ojo OO, Tella IO, and Eronmosele JE (2008). Aqueous extract of Anacardiumoccidentale reduces hyperglycaemia induced by streptozotocin in rats. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology. 13: 24 – 29.
Ayuba DK, Tella IO and Ojo OO (2008). Bioactive secondary plant compounds in the foliage and stem bark of Eucalyptus camaldulensisDehn, grown in Yola, Adamawa State. Journal of Research in Bioscience, 4 (3):111 -117
Ayuba DK, Tella IO and Ojo OO (2008). Determination of infochemicals and the phytochemical screening of the foliage and stem-bark of Senna siamea (Lam.) grown in Yola, Adamawa State. International Journal of Bioscience, 3(2): 107 – 111
Ojo OO and Ladeji, O (2007). Prevention of paracetamol induced-oxidative stress by extracts of some common Nigeria Trees. Biological and Environmental Science Journal for the Tropics. 4 (1): 65 – 69
Ojo OO and Jide-Ojo CC (2007). Efficacy of the extracts of Cymbropogon citrates against acetaminophen-induced lipid peroxidation in rats. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology, 12 (1): 34-39
Ojo OO, Ladeji O and Nadro MS (2007). Studies of the antioxidative effects of green and black tea (camellia sinensis) extracts in rats. Journal of medicinal foods10 (2): 373-378
Ojo OO, Kabutu RF, Bello LM and Babayo U (2006). Inhibition of paracetamol-induced oxidative stress in rats by extracts of lemongrass (cymbropogoncitratus) and green tea (camellia sinensis). African Journal of Biotechnology. 5(12):1227 – 1232
Ojo OO, Nadro MS and Tella IO (2006). Protection of rats by extracts of some common Nigerian trees against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity. African Journal of Biotechnology 5(9): 755- 760
Ojo OO, Jide-Ojo CC, Kabutu FR, Onyirioha N and Kyado SS (2006). Study of the antioxidative effects of lemon grass (Cymbropogoncitratus) in rats. Nigerian Journal of Science, Technology and Environmental Education. 2: 51 – 57
Kabutu RF, Ojo OO, Kyado J and Onyirioha N (2006). Factors that control teachers’ effectiveness in teaching primary science. Journal of Science, Technology and Environmental Education, 2: 124 – 130
Ojo OO and Ladeji O (2005). Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Camellia sinensis(Black tea) in rats. African Journal of Biotechnology, 4 (11): 1432-1438
Ojo OO, Tella IO and Ademola-Aremu OO (2005). Hepatoprotective effects of Azadirachtaindica, Tamarindusindica and Eucalyptus camaldulensisonparacetamol-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Journal of Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Environment. 1 (1): 77-85
Tella IO and Ojo OO (2005). Effects of Azadirachtaindica, Tamarindusindica and Eucalyptus camaldulensisonparacetamol-induced lipid peroxidation in rats. Journal of Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Environment. 1 (1): 86-95
Ojo OO, Kabutu RF and Kidah MI (2005). Assessment of the Effectiveness of micro-computer as a teaching material in teaching of sciences: A case study of Federal college of Education, Yola. Journal of General Studies in Education, 1: 8-12